Alcohol and Other Substance Harms Reduction

Mount Allison University supports and promotes responsible choices surrounding the consumption of alcohol and cannabis. We want to reduce the harm associated with alcohol and other substance use, so we work to develop strategies, policies, and best practices surrounding harm reduction. Find out more below about how to reduce your risks and resources available to you. Our team at the Wellness Centre can also support you.
Tips to Reduce Harm
When Consuming Alcohol:
▶ Eat before and while you are drinking
▶ Drink water in between alcoholic drinks
▶ Slow down — do not have more than two drinks in three hours
 ▶ Engage in other activities— playing pool, darts, dancing, etc. This will naturally slow you down
▶ Set limits and stick to them
▶ Don't leave your drink unattended

When Consuming cannabis:
▶ Take it slow
▶ Choose lower THC products
▶ Avoid smoking burnt cannabis-choose safe methods
▶ Plan for a sober driver
▶ Avoid if you have a personal or family history of mental illness, especially schizophrenia, substance use disorder, and/or if you’re pregnant
▶ Postpone use until later years (25 years old and up)
▶ Not too much, not too often
▶ Stay hydrated (water or juice)
When Going Out:
▶ Party with people you trust-use the buddy system
▶ let others know your location/address in case of emergency
▶ Know who you will call if you need help
▶ Learn about the effects of substances, start with small doses
▶ Don't mix substances
▶ Practice saying no
▶ Carry condoms
▶ Have a cab fare stash

Test Your Knowledge

Being informed is key to making responsible, safe and informed choices. Do you know what "a drink" means? Click on the drink to see if you know how much alcohol is a drink.

Do you know how to recognize an alcohol emergency and when to call 911? Click on the A, B, C and D to see if you know the signs of an alcohol emergency. If you see any of these signs call 911 Immediately.

Want more information? Check out these external resources:

Post-secondary Education Partnership-Alcohol Harms
Keep It Social
Wellness Together Canada: Mental Health and Substance Use Support
Knowing your limits with alcohol: A practical guide assessing your drinking
here to help: alcohol and other drugs