How to connect:
Location :Wallace McCain Student Centre, 3rd floor, room 321
How can Maggie help:
Works collaboratively with student groups focused on mental health and harms reduction initiatives.
Mental health and harms reduction presentations and workshops·
Outreach across campus with updated resources and an opportunity to connect and hear from students.
Organizes Mindfulness Mondays where students can unplug and de-stress in a relaxing environment with mindfulness activities
How to connect:
Call : 506-364-3254
Drop-In: Book at wellness centre front desk (Darcy can be available for walk-in or short notice visits)
When to reach out:
When academic, personal, or social circumstances interfere with wellness and academic progress.
How can they help:
Practical problem solving (housing, finances, food, stress, sleep, roommates, relationships)
Resource navigation (on and off-campus)
Referrals, advocacy, support
How to connect/book an appointment by:
Location: Wallace McCain Student Centre, 2nd floor, room 291
What is Counselling:
Counselling sessions in the Wellness Centre are short-term and solution focused sessions that help you manage a wide range of personal issues (including stress and anxiety, mood issues, relationship concerns, balance and self-care, academic pressures, substance use, identity concerns, ect.)
Available in person and virtually.
How to connect/book an appointment by:
Drop-In: The Wellness Centre Ground Floor Wallace McCain Student Centre
What is Counselling:
Counselling sessions in the Wellness Centre are short-term and solution focused sessions that help you manage a wide range of personal issues (including stress and anxiety, mood issues, relationship concerns, balance and self-care, academic pressures, substance use, identity concerns, ect.)
Available in person and virtually.
Book an appointment through:
Phone: 506 224 0269
In Person: Located in the Wellness Center
When to reach out:
When you have experienced sexual violence on or off campus
When you just need someone to listen
Support and advocate for all sexual violence survivors Connect to resources on and off campus
Safety planning Healthcare and RCMP accompaniment Coordinating on campus academic, housing and social accommodations
How to connect:
When to reach out:
The Registered Nurse delivers NON -URGENT primary health care clinical service including assessment, testing, specimen collection ;treatments and referrals when appropriate. In this primary health care practice, the RN works in an expanded role. An expanded role of nursing is one in which a nurse has advanced education, training and competencies that enables them to provide expanded or increased responsibilities in a practice area and in most cases practice with greater autonomy and greater clinical service delivery to Mount Allison students .
How can they help:
The Registered Nurse(RN) is competent in medical skills that are delegated to the RN to assess, provide health counselling, educate and collect specimens for treatments, as required.
Such services include but are not limited to: Clinical health assessments; Sexual health testing ( for example; asymptomatic STI screening, pap smear testing, urine pregnancy testing); Ear assessments and syringing, if required; Urinary and throat assessments including specimen collection, if required Immunizations/vaccinations; Assessment of plantar warts including cryotherapy treatments; Works collaboratively with a physician who is competent with skills for WPATH to offer gender affirming care. These services include assessments, health counselling, teaching and providing hormone replacement therapy
How to connect:
Drop by Thew Wellness Centre, Wallace McCain Student Centre
When to reach out:
-When you have questions or concerns regarding anything related to equity, diversity, and inclusion on campus
-When you need help navigating studies, new relationships, unfamiliar communities, and conflict. -When you need someone to talk to
How can they help:
-Provide 1-1 advising, guidance and resources.
-Offering Educational training on systematic racism and micro-aggressions
-Connecting you with volunteering opportunities, peer mentoring, and other services both on and off campus
Providing a safe space to chat about school, life and everything in between!
How to connect:
Checkout the chapel, the Quiet Room, and the Manning multi-faith Room or drop by Wallace McCain Student Centre room 294
Call or text 506-364-9239
When to reach out:
-When you are looking for someone who listens to you
-When you are asking life’s big questions (and small ones too!)
-When you want to learn more about different faiths and spiritual paths
-When you are curious about life
-Just because!
How can they help:
-Connecting to student groups and community
-Sharing religious and spiritual resources
-Offering space to reflect, wonder, meditate or pray or space to book for your club and association.
-Listen confidentially and provide guidance!
How to connect:
In his role, Matt collaborates with the Meighen Centre, Wellness Centre, and Student Affairs to ensure students receive the help they need, Whether it is accessibility support, mental or physical healthcare, or meeting more complex needs, Matt connects staff from various backgrounds to ensure a holistic approach to student well-being.
How to connect:
Thriving at Work – Accessible Employment Program Meighen Centre
-Coordinates this program for students registered with the Meighen Centre
-Develops summer internships with employers interested in improving their EDI practices Assists students with resumes, cover letters and job interview prep
-Develops and offers a Summer Institute for employment skills prep for interns
-Also offers individual and group-based coaching and skills programs throughout the school year for any students (things like getting organized, time management, personal finances and project planning skills)
-Supports wellbeing of students by offering a process to make a confidential referral when there is concern for the well-being of a student. Referrals are reviewed by the team and assessed to determine a level of risk and appropriate actions based on this assessment.
-The S.O.C.C.T process is non-disciplinary and important to the creation of a campus-wide culture of care.
-Offers supports and resources to students to overcome obstacles and achieve their academic and personal goals.
If you have significant concerns for the well-being of a student that may present a non-urgent risk to the health and safety of themselves or the university community.
IMPORTANT: S.O.C.C.Y is a NON-URGENT case team. If there is an imminent risk to anyone's health or safety do not complete a referral. Immediately contact 911 and campus security (506-364-2228)
Visit the S.O.C.C.T webpage to access the online referral form:
More information of the team, its process and other resources for supporting students can also be fund on the S.O.C.C.T webpage.
Referrals are reviewed within 2 business days. Once a referral has been submitted, a member of the S.O.C.C.T may contact you for further information. The team will review each situation on a case-by-case basis using a standardized risk assessment process to determine appropriate next steps and supports to offer to the student.