1-3pm Wednesdays. For survivors of sexual violence, email Kery Maddison (kmaddison@mta.ca) to sign up or for more information. This will be an 8 week program using art, meditation and other activities to explore mindfulness. For survivors of sexual violence, natural survival mechanisms lead to fight, flight and/or freeze responses when traumatic memories are triggered. These triggers often lead to thoughts and behavior's that ultimately impede our ability to skillfully respond to what is happening in the present moment. The practice of mindfulness offers a neurobiological antidote to the natural trauma response of the brain.
Wondering what's happening during Wellness Week and what events are right for you? Come see us at the Athletic Centre from 4-5pm! We would love to chat about Wellness Week and resources on campus and in the greater Sackville area!
5-8 PM in Jennings Are you a residence student? Make sure to check out the Resource Roundabout on Jennings! As you walk into Jennings, you can learn about all the resources available to you here at MtA.
7pm-9pm at the Owens Art Gallery. Lean into your creativity and stitch some felt friends at the Owens! All materials will be provided free of charge, just bring your imagination!
4-8pm Monday- Thursdays; 1pm-9pm Weekends in Mawita'mkw room 130 WMSC Diversity, Inclusion and Respect make for our safe space You are welcome to come and do your homework, chat, watch a movie or read a book...our safe, social, sober space is a home type atmosphere that enables you to socialize while avoiding the party scene. There will be two interns here to chat to.
10:30am – 12:00pm Thursdays in room 125 WMSC Join Kery Maddison’s weekly drop-in journaling group from 10:30am-12pm in room 125 of the Wallace McCain Student Centre. All supplies provided.
1pm – 4pm Thursdays For survivors of sexual violence, email Kery Maddison (kmaddison@mta.ca) to register or find out more information. Come for this one-off worship and explore wising a canvas in many ways to express thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Support other survivors in a safe environment with ways you have managed to cope in hard times. Everyone is an artist. It is the process of artmaking that is important. Have a chance to take time to thank yourself for being resilient in a world that is already too stressful.
4:30-6:30 PM Thursday, November 23in Tweedie Hall. Looking for a PAW-sitive end to your day? Come spend some quality time with furry friends. To schedule an appointment to spend time with therapy dogs, keep an eye out for the sign-up link, which will be emailed soon!
6pm – 7pm Thursdays Open to everyone, email Kmaddison@mta.ca for more information. Yoga and mindfulness practices can be powerful tools for improving mental health. By combining physical postures with breath awareness and meditation. We can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and increase feelings of well-being. Some yoga matts are available but please bring your own.
4-8pm Monday- Thursdays; 1pm-9pm Weekends in Mawita'mkw room 130 WMSC Diversity, Inclusion and Respect make for our safe space You are welcome to come and do your homework, chat, watch a movie or read a book...our safe, social, sober space is a home type atmosphere that enables you to socialize while avoiding the party scene. There will be two interns here to chat to.
6-8pm Friday, November 24 in the Library Theatre We are so excited to be hosting a movie night on Friday, November 24th from 6-8 pm in the library theatre! Checkout @navigatemta's Instagram stories to vote on which movie we’ll be screening. Join us for some popcorn and a great way to unwind after the week.
4-8pm Monday- Thursdays; 1pm-9pm Weekends in Mawita'mkw room 130 WMSC Diversity, Inclusion and Respect make for our safe space You are welcome to come and do your homework, chat, watch a movie or read a book...our safe, social, sober space is a home type atmosphere that enables you to socialize while avoiding the party scene. There will be two interns here to chat to.
Nov 27th,2023 from 930am-2pm: Wellness Centre Booking will start online through the Wellness Centre Booking Portal on Nov 22nd, 2023 where students can go and reserve an appointment for the Cervical Cancer Clinic Screening day on Monday, Nov 27thEligibility criteria includes:
1-Open to registered Mount Allison University students age 21 or older whose individual anatomy includes a cervix
2-Must have a valid health card
3-Must not be on menstrual cycle for the day of the test
4-Must avoid intercourse for 24 hours prior to testing day
5-Must be at least 1 year since any previous cervical screening
Please call Wellness Centre at 506-364-2163 or email wellness@mta.ca for further questions
10-10:30 Mondays in MtA Chapel A time to bring your concerns for yourself, your family and friends, for the environment, situations of conflict and anything else that keeps you up at night. An inclusive gathering for people of all spiritual, philosophical and religious paths. Email spiritualcare@mta.ca for more info
2:30 – 4:00 pm, November 27 Manning Multi-faith Room (lower level of the Chapel) Come paint some rocks with inspiring messages! Take one home, give it to a friend or place it on campus. All supplies provided. Juts show up!
4-8pm Monday- Thursdays; 1pm-9pm Weekends in Mawita'mkw room 130 WMSC Diversity, Inclusion and Respect make for our safe space You are welcome to come and do your homework, chat, watch a movie or read a book...our safe, social, sober space is a home type atmosphere that enables you to socialize while avoiding the party scene. There will be two interns here to chat to.
12pm – 1pm Tuesdays in Manning Multi-faith room (MtA Chapel basement) Drop in for a while as you as able, stay for the conversation and inspiration. Bring a project you are working on, feel free to bring your lunch (microwave and kitchen available)Email ehummel@mta.ca for more info.
Wondering what's happening during Wellness Week and what events are right for you? Come see us at the Library from 4-5pm! We would love to chat about Wellness Week and resources on campus and in the greater Sackville area!
6-8pm, Tuesday, November 28 in Gracie’s Join us from 6-8pm on November 28th in Gracie’s for a board game night! There will be a variety of games, snacks, and hot chocolate! We hope to see you there 🙂
4-8pm Monday- Thursdays; 1pm-9pm Weekends in Mawita'mkw room 130 WMSC Diversity, Inclusion and Respect make for our safe space You are welcome to come and do your homework, chat, watch a movie or read a book...our safe, social, sober space is a home type atmosphere that enables you to socialize while avoiding the party scene. There will be two interns here to chat to.
3:30 – 4:30 pm, Wednesday, Nov 29, Chapel Quiet Room. Curious about meditation, but don’t know where to start? Come explore various meditative practices, such as sitting, walking or breathing or meditation, meditation using texts and colours. No experience necessary; come as you are!
4-8pm Monday- Thursdays; 1pm-9pm Weekends in Mawita'mkw room 130 WMSC Diversity, Inclusion and Respect make for our safe space You are welcome to come and do your homework, chat, watch a movie or read a book...our safe, social, sober space is a home type atmosphere that enables you to socialize while avoiding the party scene. There will be two interns here to chat to.
Please note information is subject to change, please check the link/contact in the description prior to attending event. Click on the event to view information, contact us with any questions! Part of a club/society or see something missing? Fill out the form below to have an event added!
Fill out the form below to submit any additions to the calendar, any questions, concerns or comments can be sent via email (navigatemta@mta.ca). We encourage you to include your contact information in case we have questions!